In the coming few months, we will bid adieu to 2022, and we can't anticipate what technology revolutions 2023 will bring for us. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the changes in the software development trends, so what might be trending in 2022 might not be implemented at a broader level in 2023 or later.

However, it is expected for some trends to stay and conquer the market, like IT teams and organizations will see a growth in cloud-native technologies or edge computing will grow in tandem with IoT devices. Also, cybersecurity is going to be at the core of digital transformation as the complexity of risks and threats will continue to expand.

Software development will continue the direction it has taken in these last two years. Let us walk through the latest software technology trends.

Adoption of low code/no-code development

The demand for software developers has outpaced supply, and low-code/no-code (LCNC) will become a trendsetter in 2023. Approximately 20% of software projects fail, and another 52% are challenged to stay in the market. This form of software development allows technical and non-technical peers to support agile operations as it doesn't utilize advanced coding skills.

Low code and no-code development platforms allow you to quickly and efficiently create applications in a visual software development environment with drag and drop functionality, easing the overall process. As per Statista, it is expected that the global low-code platform will reach 65 billion US dollars by 2027 with an expected CAGR of 26.1%. 

Increase in cloud computing

During the pandemic, most companies shifted their focus to expanding remote work capabilities, which prompted the rapid acceleration of cloud computing. Though things are returning to normal, organizations still trust the cloud to be upscale or downscale per their current business requirements. The demand for cloud-native technology is increasing as it allows you to construct, design, and operate workloads directly developed through the cloud.

Big organizations like Accenture and Amazon invest heavily in cloud computing technologies to train more people on cloud computing and accelerate cloud ubiquity. Businesses are looking forward to cloud transformation leveraging the agility and better speed it extends with built-in scalability in a model work environment.

AI adoption accelerates

The revenue from the global artificial intelligence market is expected to see rapid growth in the coming year, reaching more than half a trillion US dollars by 2023. Whether you observe it or not, some form of AI and machine learning are used in nearly every industry, from real estate to production and manufacturing.

Another industry in which AI is poised to make the most significant impact in healthcare. Currently, it is seen that in the business world, AI software is making an impact through Robotic Process Automation (RPA). For instance, businesses use RPA for data entry, mass emails, payroll, lead nurturing, financial planning, and compliance.

Continued expansion of IoT

IoT debuted as a much-hyped futuristic technology that has become a reality impacting different sectors. From smart appliances to phones, cars, and security systems, IoT is mainstream. The proliferation of devices has fueled the growth of IoT. Thanks to the new sensors, more computing power, and reliable mobile connectivity, it will continue to become cheaper, secure, and widely available.

Furthermore, IoT will be used with data analytics software and artificial intelligence to help businesses improve processes, reduce overheads, boost productivity, and generate higher revenue.

Use of modern languages will continue

The use of modern languages will continue to rise as more businesses realize how to benefit from using them. Some popular modern languages are Rust, TypeScript, Swift, Dart, Go, and Kotlin. Of all the modern languages, Rust and Go are gaining popularity due to their advanced features like conciseness, null safety, and type interference. Large enterprises like Amazon and Microsoft have announced significant investments in Rust.

Rise in progressive web apps

PWAs are game-changers in the web and app development landscape as they drive website surfing closer to native mobile applications. Nowadays, most users are mobile, and businesses can't afford to give a poor user experience on mobile. It is where PWAs come into action. Use cases of PWA by known enterprises include Alibaba, AliExpress, Olx, Washington Post, Twitter, and more.

Personalization using IoB

Personalization is the primary key to success for any software in the market. This trend of personalization using the Internet of Behavior (IoB) can be explained as a component of IoT and acquires data from gadgets to track and analyze people's behavior as they interact with apps and devices.

IoB brings crucial data such as preferences, user behavior, and interests from business intelligence, big data, and customer data platforms. It has become elementary to track, analyze, and evaluate massive data sets created by users through online activities, purchase histories, and social media interactions. Gartner predicts that by 2023, 40% of the world's population will have their activities tracked digitally.

Rise of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is a third-generation internet that offers a data-driven semantic web. Web 3.0 applications distinguish themselves by their interactivity and complexity. JavaScript is used to develop web 3.0 applications making them more dynamic and responsive.

Web 3.0 consists of three basic IT architecture tiers, which are explained below:

  1. Interaction: The content, software, and hardware users communicate with.
  2. Computation: The functionality of inducing an interaction.
  3. Information: The data and structural architecture needed for precise and secure computing systems functioning.

Blockchain will gain momentum

Various industries are implementing this disruptive technology to efficiently manage supply chain operations. The use cases of blockchain are increasing every day, and large enterprises like Walmart, British Airways, FedEx, etc., have already invested in this technology. In the last two years, we can see how NFTs have gained popularity, and creators worldwide have started investing in them. 

Global recognition of microservices

Microservices is a distinct approach to software development that focuses on creating single-function modules with well-defined operations and interfaces. Recent cloud and container developments led software development companies to consider microservices a leading form of architecture. 

Instead of building one best service, developers break the functionality into manageable sectors. The software consists of microservices, where each performs a single function impeccably. One of the best advantages of microservices architecture is if a single microservice goes down, the entire application will not be affected.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) adoption

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a process that allows management and provisioning of computer data centers with the help of machine-readable definition files. It codifies IT infrastructure in software rather than in hardware configuration tools. The development team can automatically manage and monitor through software code rather than manually configuring devices one by one. According to Gartner, by 2023, 60% of organizations will use infrastructure automation.

Cybersecurity with DevSecOps

DevSecOps is an automation and platform design approach that integrates security as a shared responsibility across the IT lifecycle. DevSecOps offers built-in security that acts as a perimeter around data and applications. It allows early detection of potential threats and fixes vulnerabilities in the initial stage. With the growing trend, businesses will focus on security and compliance for highly secure continuous application delivery.